Title: The Return of the Second Assistant Cook. Paul, Joan, and Nick take a break from horseback riding along the trail. They talk about the visit of her boyfriend Ken…
Title: The Home Made bread and applesauce Peace Offering. Cliff and Paul talk about Cliff's mixed up feelings over his lost 11 years to amnesia. He's also confused over the…
Audio is buzzy, and low resolution, but OK. A story about a woman who had everything, but wasn't happy because she wasn't pretty. we find the woman as she talks…
Title: Father Barber and the Eavesdropping Episode. Joan tries out her new 2 piece bathing suit, and talks with Paul about her boyfriend, Ken. Should she ask him up to…
Title: A Very Very Tough Step Father Indeed. As the family enjoy the beautiful morning, Joan is still sleeping after her all night ordeal. Claudia and Nick comment about the…
Called Chapter 6, but actually Chapter 7. A continuation of... Title: Father Barber Predicts the Worst. Claudia and Nick wait with Pa Barber while they wait for word from Paul…
Title: Father Barber Predicts the Worst. After a picnic, as an attempt at getting his son Andrew to like Roberta Evans a little better, and with litttle result, we find…
Title: Father Barber's Aching Bones. The Sky Ranch vacation is in full swing, with everyone present except those who have to work, Pinky at the lumber camp, and Paul and…