Based on Walt Disney's version of the classic fairy tale, and featuring his rendition of the characters. We find the queen who gets reassurance from her magic mirror that she…
Featuring Ann Reviere, and Bette Davis, who tells about some of the awards this film recieved. Produced for radio, it's a story set in New Orleans in the dangerous days…
Alexander the Great decides whether to accept terms of peace with Persia. if he does, the war will be over between the Greeks and the Persians, if not, The Greeks…
In the Roman Senate, it's the Ides of March as government officials gather, and CBS reporters take you there. The day that shook the Roman Empire and changed the course…
A high profile case of betrayal is played out, and CBS reporters are on hand to take you there. Reporters interview the players in the courtroom drama, and learn a…
In a pre-war Paris hotel, an Englishwoman returning home from India with her daughter is struck by a sudden critical illness. The daughter rushes off to fill the doctor's prescription,…
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By KeithFebruary 1, 2019Posted inDrama, Lux
Featuring Gary Cooper in this classic story of a wealthy eccentric. Cecil B DeMill puts the spotlight on the stars of the feature, then sets the stage for the opening…
Two of the most recognized names in radio, Elliot and Cathy Lewis have another drama. Cathy plays a famous actress, and Elliot is a soldier who wants a date with…
Two political rivals settle a personal score in the early morning. Duelling was even then illegal, but was still accepted as a legitimate way of settling a personal offense. CBS…