Originally archived in 2 parts, I recombined the parts. I assume it was done that way for ease in distributing on cassette tape. My show notes are a big longer…
What happened this day in news? What were the hot topics of concern? Robert Krout reports on the National Day of Prayer. Island attacks, fighting on Okinawa, New Guinea, and…
This is something totally different from what I've ever posted in the podcast. Summer is the time for baseball, and the ultimate in baseball is the World Series. This is…
A special presentation and documentary to commenorate the Battle of Iwo Jima, and the Marines who fought it. The actual air date is unknown. Most likely it aired on more…
A lengthy interview by well known news man, Walter O'Keefe. Discover some of the history of actor and comedian, Alan Young. At the time of this interview he was the…