There's still hope that Phinus can get a job on the tire rationing board. All he has to do is study up on correct ways to conserve, and preserve tires.…
Abner shares the latest happenings with his poppa. He loves to read from the almanac, and Abner wants Lum to humor him, and listen to Phinus read. Today, he's bringing…
Lum hears how each of the old gents, Phinus and grandpap, couldn't stand to hear the other read from the almanac. The latest thing that has Abner worried is who…
Abner is constantly having to shuffle his poppa between home, and the store, to minimize the wearing Lizabeth and Lum to a frazzle. Today, we find grandpap reading facts from…
Evening has come, and Abner isn't motivated to leave the store to go home. Lum gets him confused over comparing his home to a hornet's nest. Abner has half a…
In the Jot Em Down store, Lum and Abner round up grocery orders. Abner can't keep his mind on the job, worrying over the little things his poppa does around…
Distracted by showing his family scrap book to anyone who comes into range, Phinus hasn't been a bother. Today, Lum enters the Jot Em Down store to learn about the…
Abner's poppa has been causing trouble in town, and today he wants to talk to Cedric in the store. Phinus thinks Cedric is a gent named Vesper Hawkins. Even Cedric…