Lum and Abner – Abner And Grandpap Ignore Lum. 440814

After grandpap had served eviction notice on himself, he has had to move in with Abner. In the Jot Em Down store, Phinus talks with Lum about the overcrowded Peabody home. Lum also learns the old Dillard place can still be had, but it’s going to cost $1000. Between Lum and Phinus, all they can raise is half that amount. Its possible to raise the whole amount, but not without Abner’s part in the joint account for the store.

As Lum tries to figure a loophole in the law to arrest BJ Webster, Abner and grandpap enter with a song but only talk to Lum through a middleman. Abner inventories his side of the store, but ignores the appeals from Lum and Phinus to invest in the Dillard place.

Though he counts the same bolt of calico dress material several times, Abner finds an old law book. Is it just the thing that Lum has been looking for?