In New York, Jack beats around the bush about admitting who he just starred with in his latest film. To make sure nothing gets out of hand, Jack has hired…
Don tries to butter Jack up with a glowing introduction, but Jack is too critical. Is he being a big baby? Mary, Phil, and Dennis think so, especially when the…
For a switch Jack introduces Don, who just got married. What kind of wedding gifts did Jack give to his hefty show announcer? What will Phil have to say on…
Don recaps Jacks trouble in getting the studio to premier his latest film in his home town of Waukegan. Today we join Jack and Mary as they visit the studio.…
Don turns back the clock to Jack's Halloween party last Thursday. Rochester sings as he helps Jack decorate, and get his costume together. Mary Livingstone visits to joke about Jack's…
That modest, most unassuming of hosts is introduced, Jack Benny. Phil Harris is on board to poke holes in Jack's humble nature, and we learn that Mary Livingstone is home,…
On the hottest week of the year, Jack and Don make hot jokes about the weather. Jack claims to owe his good health to taking vitamins. Mary implies he has…
Happy is a June bride, and just as nervous, Jack returns to the air. Jack describes that he was more like a bird dog, high strung and not nervous. Mary…