Jack Benny – Don Is Mad and Walks Out. ep389, 401208

Don tries to butter Jack up with a glowing introduction, but Jack is too critical. Is he being a big baby? Mary, Phil, and Dennis think so, especially when the normally jovial announcer storms out. Jack tries to make himself sound like a muscular, tough guy, but becomes the target of Jokes from Mary. Don tries to return, but Jack is still upset over the incident of catching cold at Don’s house. After an interruption, Phil Harris plays, The Bad Humor Man.

Jack breaks the news that the show is to go to New York in the next few weeks. Can Phil take time away from his new night school education? Don is back for more bickering. Though Jack threatens to get the studio exec,. Mr Sparrow, in on it, Don beats Jack to the punch for an apology. Dennis sings, I’d Know You Anywhere.

Jokes turn to the fashions that Jack plans on wearing in the wintery east coast weather. He also gets in a few jabs at rival, Fred Allen. Frank Nelson returns as Jack’s inept doctor. Will Don make amends before the cast have to make their trip? Rochester points out some packing problems, and other frustrations.