Judy is a 19year old blind girl who is helped out by Charlie Chan's #1 son. We learn that she is inadvertently providing information to a gang of robbers... Headed…
GI Jil has the robot of the music world, her handy jukebox, and she's ready to play the tunes. Bob Crosby leads off with, the Sugarfoot Strut. After a dedication…
Clark and Jimmy's friend, Tumbleweed faces off with Ralston at the cave. He plans to go at him unarmed. As he gets close, Tumbleweed is shot. Bac at the doctor's…
Get ready for a Romeo and Juliet story done in Western style. But don't think you'll know the ending, this isn't Shakespeare afterall. Jake is a man in town who…
In the musical opening, Eddie blasts out the jokes about Hollywood and radio celebrities. Jolsen, Fibber McGee, Jack Benny, and too many movie stars to count. Eavesdrop on a scene…
Hosted by Burns and Allen, Gracie introduces Rafio Mendez who plays, Flight of the Bumble Bee. George and Gracie talk about their guests, and the benefits of being married or…
After the coyote howls, Comanche Joe expects death, but Clark spots a figure lurking outside his window. A cowboy disguised as an indian is captured and made to talk. The…
Riding to town for supplies, Dan Reed finds a turmoil. Who is Jim Granger, and what is the importance of a palamino horse? To resolve the matter, Jim wants to…
When we last saw Patsy, Chuck, and Pablo, they were deep in a cave. Patsy shows the cave formations that she found. Pablo shares his worries over the cave and…