Title: The Unseen Watcher Plot: A gambler dreams up a desperate scheme to "off" his bookie in order to escape his huge debts. To fund his addiction, he kills his…
It's the season opener, and Jack is being tormented by a couple thugs, until Rochester rescues him from his dream. On the way to the studio in the Maxwell, the…
note: the date on this episode is probably incorrect. Phil Harris substitutes again for Kaye kaiser, and is joined by the King Sisters. Transcribed with the Navy Fliers at Dodger…
While at the Gregory barn, Annie witnessed the dog being shot by a stranger. We join her signaling Joe with their whistles. He tells about a book he's reading about…
As the show opens, we find the Judge and Gildersleeve escorting Miss Goodwin home. When the judge departs, Gildy asks Miss Goodwin for advice on deciding to get married. It…
Orson Wells presents how a few glass shards found their way into the gallery of death. After a hard day at work and school, Charles, and Charles Jr arrive home.…