Molle Mystery Theater (AFRS) A Death Is Caused. 451012

Assorted law enforcement badges and photographs on a textured background, representing government and police officials.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

A pair of smartly dressed women might appear as they would in any city in America, but the two we look in on in this tropical diner discuss the matter of how to poison a victim. How is the right way to go about it, and make it look like an accident? What if an irrational fear can be used to cause the same kind of death? Can the power of suggestion do that?

Just mentioning the possibility of a snake in the house is enough to drive her husband up a wall. Will she actually need to go through with acquiring the venomous snake from the woman in the village? Why would she even want to kill her husband? We learn that she was a mail order bride for the man in his distant jungle paradise. Now she is tired of being under his thumb, and little more than a trophy to him.

As the fake sightings of snake’s increase, and work for maximum affect in his jumpiness, her chance has come. Now it’s time to plant the real viper, and let nature do its work. Will her set up work? has she thought of everything? The snake could be a viper, or it might be a harmless one that just looks like one. Will the power of suggestion cause a death without actually involving poison, or venomous snake bites?