Fibber McGee and Molly – Merchant Marines. ep425, 450130

Jim and Mary and Jordan posing for the camera in 1941. The vintage black and white illustration of a couple sitting in a cozy living room. Fibber is holding a newspaper and Molly is knitting. They are both looking at a small dog that is sitting on a rug between them. The room is decorated with a patterned wallpaper, framed pictures, and a vase with flowers on a table in the background."

Downtown, the McGee’s take in the sights at the hotel, and comment on the sailors, and what their jobs might be. Finding a place to stay is a hardship, but one Merchant Marine tells them about where he’s traveling. The McGees offer Tommy Davis a room to spend the night. Fibber boasts about his nautical prowess, and his 38-foot boat on the Missouri River. Billy Mills plays, Stomping at the Savoy.

The lure of meeting Alice Darling draws Tommy to 79 Wistful Vista, but Tommy still has to hear about Fibbers exploits at sea. er… on the river. The Merchant Marine’s attempts at sharing his own tale only serve as an opening for Fibber to whip up another storm of sailing. Harlowe Wilcox meets Tommy, and delivers the nautical flavored sponsor message.

As Tommy relaxes, Molly lets Beulah know about their special guests, Tommy and Doc Gamble. What kind of movies are playing at the Bijou? Beulah gives a report, and what to do to entertain their sailor. The Kingsman sing, Oh Moitle.

Doc Gamble arrives, and with Alice they learn about some of Tommy’s adventures at sea. Alice seems to know more about ships at sea than Fibber does. She and Tommy correct him on his nautical terminology as he begins to bluster once more. Now it’s Fibbers turn to not finish a story.