Command Performance – Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra. EP104,440201

"Piano keys arranged in a wavy line."
curvacious keyboard

It’s the second birthday of Command Performance, and Dinah Shor leads off with Blues In the Night. She reads from the mail bag, and Ken Carpenter helps with a couple sounds from back home.

Frank Sinatra sings, Speak Low. Dinah dips into the mail bag, then in answer to requests, it’s John Scot Trotter accompanying Bing Crosby, who sings, Candlelight and Wine.

Bing and Dinah tease about the rivalry between Bing and Frankk. Then Frank comes out to hold his own in the cutting up.

Dinah shifts the action to a drama that features Ken Carpenter along with Bing, Frank, and herself to do a Scottish dramatic play. Of course by dramatic, what is meant is a reason for more joking around. Dinah is to decide which one she wants to marry. To decide, they sing a series of tunes together as they vie for her affections.

The good natured kidding ends up in a duet with Sinatra and Crosby singing, People Will Say We’re In Love.

Dinah makes up her mind who she will pick, but there’s a twist ending. The show wraps up with a few parting words from the three stars of the show.