Flash Gordon – Imprisoned By Hawk Men. ep3, 350511

Film poster from the Flash Gordon serial Employee(s) of Universal - http://www.movieposter.com/poster/MPW-4436/Flash_Gordon.html
By Employee(s) of Universal - http://www.movieposter.com/poster/MPW-4436/Flash_Gordon.html, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=49223428

The amazing interplanetary adventures of Flash Gordon return, straight from the pages of Hearst newspapers.

Previously Flash, Dale, and Doctor Zarkoff have crash landed on Mongo, where Ming the Merciless has proposed to marry Dale, and Flash has been sent to be imprisoned by the Lionmen. Today they have been recaptured, and sent on a rocketship to the world of the Hawkmen.

Flash, with Doc Zarkoff, and the Lionman, take over and free Dale. Still, the Hawkmen circle the skies before swooping down to capture Doc. What now,? Nobody captured by the Hawkmen has ever been seen alive again.

Just then a rocket lands with Princess Aura who wants flash to mary her, but when she is refused, she flies off to tell the Hawkmen where to find Flash and his party. With our heros now held captive, Princess Aura bargains with the king of Hawkmen to get Flash for her own to marry.

As it turns out the King of Hawkmen wants Dale for himself to marry. What’s the dal with everybody wanting to marry Dale?

Dale pulls some reverse psychology on the king to keep her friends from being tortured, but faces marriage to the Hawkman.

Meanwhile, Flash and his friends are made slaves and work in the mines. Soon a plan is deviced to escape. The frends escape, but Flash is off to rescue Dale. Can he make it in time before the marriage ceremony takes place? After a viscious struggle, Flash rescues Dale, but will their freedom be short lived?

Suddenly there’s a loud rumble, the ground shakes, what is happening? Find out next week in the next exciting installment.