Superman – Yellow Mask Steals Fuel For Atomic Beam. 400228

Joan, Beck and Collyer posing for a photo. Joan is wearing a black dress and holding a bouquet of flowers. Bud Collyer in a suit and tie.

Presenting Superman, Champion of the weak and the oppressed.

The Daily Planet is to be blown to bits and the clock is ticking down to the deadline. Elsewhere Lois had went to meet with Doctor Dahlgrin and faces an unknown danger. The doctor fills her in on his clash with the Yellow Mask, who has stolen the atomic ray machine. Little does the Yellow Mask know, the machine he stole is useless without the energy cell. Not to mention that doctor Dahlgrin has a spare ray machine locked away in his safe.

He briefly describes to Lois how his machine works, but the scene cuts to Superman. When he spots Lois car, he lands to continue his search of the Yellow Mask as Clark Kent. Clark can hear the Yellow Mask near by, as he goes inside to join the conversation with Lois and the doctor.

As the doctor goes to check on his assistant, Lois and Clark are left alone, and find themselves locked in the lab. What odd things are going on? What can Clark do to distract Lois, and turn into Superman?

Clark manages to break through to the doctor, but only after the safe has been broken into, and not only the fuel cells are gone, but the spare machine. It looks like the Yellow Mask has the upper hand for now, but stay tuned for the next exciting adventure.