Superman – Superman Saves June From Mine Explosion. 400315

Joan, Beck and Collyer posing for a photo. Joan is wearing a black dress and holding a bouquet of flowers. Bud Collyer in a suit and tie.

After the previous episode when Clark had disappeared off the airplane wing, June is screaming hysterically that Clark Kent is gone. Superman levels off the plane and lands it smoothly, then as Clark Kent he gives the pilot credit for the smooth landing. Meanwhile Denine and Pemberton are hiding out in the North Star Mine. Their associate Bailey tells them that Clark Kent and the Andersons are in Canyon City asking about the mine. Pemberton orders Bailey to disguise himself as the local sheriff and take care of Clark while he and Denine deal with the Andersons.

Later, the disguised Bailey finds Clark and the Andersons near the car that they’ve borrowed. After being told he has a message from Perry White, Clark goes with Bailey while June and her brother stay with the car. After Bailey has taken Kent far from the Anderson siblings, Pemberton and Denine knock Captain Anderson unconscious and capture June.

Suspicious of Bailey, Clark wonders why it’s taking so long to get into town. Bailey pulls a gun on the reporter and fires as Clark runs away. He reappears as Superman to teach Bailey some manners, then he’s off to find June and her brother.

In the North Star Mine, Pemberton and Denine are rigging some explosives that will destroy the mine and kill June. Captain Anderson was left unconscious near the borrowed car. Both are left to face their fate at the explosion.

Flying at tremendous speeds, Superman hears June scream for help. Later, June tells Clark that the mysterious Superman in blue costume and red cape saved her. Since Captain Anderson has come around, and has Pemberton and Denine under control, Clark points out the good thing that came from the sabotage attempt, the explosion opened up a new vein of gold.

Kent leaves the Andersons to find the unconscious Bailey and phone The Daily Planet about the story of Superman. With this chapter closed, stay tuned for the next exciting adventure that’s sure to begin.

–summarized from a review by James Lantz on To read the full review, and more like it, visit the Review page on

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