The Shadow – Valley Of The Living Dead. 390122

A black and white illustration of "The Shadow" character from the 1930s pulp fiction and radio series, featuring a dark-cloaked figure with a fedora and scarf covering most of his face, except for his piercing eyes and prominent nose. He stands with his hands at his sides, looking off to the side with a serious expression. The background is a textured, cloudy sky.
Artwork for the cover of Garth Ennis' The Shadow vol. 1, 4 (July 2012

Lamonte and Margot are travelling, but there seems to be alack of wrongs that need to be put right. A rock slide scares margot, but it’s not just one, but two rock slides. Coincidence? Lamonte is determined to get to the valley, but decides to fly in in an airplane instead.

Cruising overhead Lamonte and Margot talk about the plight of the people below. the land is rich with gold, but it also contains an element of death. The people are living in substandard conditions, when they could have wealth.

What awaits is a sanitorium where the doctor seems to heroically care for his patients. There’s something about the situation that makes the Shadow spring into action. He sees that the patients would do better without the doc. He makes it his one man mission to waken the patients and citezens to their way of existing as though they are living dead, and at the doctors mercy. Will he succeed in freeing the minds of the people?

The power hungry doctor doesn’t understand how his ways were holding back the people. Will he resort to murder to stay in charge? Will he learn a lesson before the day is over? Or not.