Fibber McGee and Molly – Mouse in the House. ep194, 390228

Jim Jordan in a Fedora and Marian Jordan wearing a hat in 1937. Standing in front of a microphone, dressed in vintage clothing from the 1930s, likely performing a radio show - the popular duo Fibber McGee and Molly.
Fibber McGee and Molly in 1937. Image from

Fibber brags on his prowess at hunting big game. He brags about being Card Trek McGee to the big time safari guide who is in town, and looking for a partner. The fearless McGee gets shaken when he finds a mouse in his house. The Old Timer stops in to joke about travelling in Europe.

Donald Novas sings, The Fluters Ball. Determined to get rid of his mouse, Fibber heads to the store for a trap. On the way he encounters Mrs Uppington, who is still seeing Horatio Boomer and chats about him. Nick Depopolus offers his advice on getting rid of mice. Billy Mills plays and the Four Notes sing, Chopsticks.

Boomer visits, but without Uppington, and without his promised cure for mice. Will the fear of his mouse get out, and put an end to his chances to go on safari with the game hunter?

Note: In case you couldn’t guess, Hal Peary is the voice of the big game hunter.