Lum and Abner – Lum Thinks Circus Jobs Too Dangerous. 480607

Two men dressed in traditional Hawaiian attire, Lum and Abner, are seen mid-dance in the center of a small store. Lum, on the left, is playing a ukulele while Abner on the right is swaying his hips and waving his arms. A small crowd is gathered around them, some clapping and others smiling. The store itself is cluttered with various items, including shelves of canned goods and hanging clothes, giving it a cozy and lived-in feel.

In the side show tent, Lum goes to talk with Squire about his job in the circus. The jobs are limited though, and Lum’s options are slimj.

New problems arise when Squire shows off his new investment to Lum.

Abner decides that working with the lions is a good idea. What’s his secret? A trick plate glass panel keeps him safe. Good thing it can’t break… or will it?