Bergen and McCarthy (Chase and Sanborn Hour NBCR) Christmas with Geraldine Fitzgerald. 391217

A festive image of a vintage Santa Claus holding a large sack of toys over his shoulder, with a snowy background and the words "Spread the Christmas Spirit" written in bold white letters above.

Don Ameche and Charlie McCarthy introduces the show.

Donald Nixon sings, One Girl That I Love. He follows it with, O That it Were So. Charlie tells Don about his colossal Christmas shopping service. What has he bought for Edgar for Christmas? What’s so unusual about the gift Edgar wants to give Dorothy Lamour? Nothing, but Charlie doesn’t know what the mules are. Mortimer Snerd arrives to haunt Charlie. The country boy tells about milking cows, and life back on the farm. Dorothy welcomes Don back to the show, then she sings, Day In Day Out.

Don introduces the guest, Geraldine Fitzgerald, and they put on an original drama, Family Album. As they look at photos in her family album, they make comments on the old fashions, and wonder about the level of romance, or lack of it in the old days. Were those old days really so void in passion and drama? Who knew such old fogies could have such a whirlwind romance?

Donald Nixon sings, Song of Spring. Billy Gilbert poetically bumbles his way through his dialect humor with Don Ameche. The poetry reciting may prove that Don has more patience than Billy has ability. Will he get out of having to find a rhyme for silver? From The Connecticut Yankee. Donald sings, I Took One Look At You.

Charlie tries to play detective, as Geraldine jokes around with the guys. Doesn’t she know who Charlie is? He tells her about the latest movie he just made. Will she be impressed by the plot that Charlie lays out? How about if he sings for her? Donald Nixon sings, When Children Pray.