Democracy in America – Common Sense and Moonshine. ep10, 620321

American flags, with a diversity of citizens standing in front. Men in jeans and t-shirts.
People in front of American flag. "Used with permission from Microsoft."

A study in American education. One notable thing our French travelers found was the lack of children running through the streets. Some may be working in factories, as they do in Europe, but the majority are in school. Schools, churches, and roads are the things that Americans feel is key to pave the way to a successful future. There are roughly a quarter of the population between age 5 and 16, the age of kids in schools. A high value in primary education is the norm. No matter the expense.

What about teachers for all this education? From the beginning we find teachers with substandard salaries. Teachers only stayed on for as long as they could, before advancing to a higher career. Associating with a teacher might be fine in private, but they are disdained to be seen with in public.

Education isn’t at an equal standard through the country. Though standards fall off in southern and western regions, everyone prides themselves on their education. Reveling in what they know, and ignoring challenges to advance to higher learning. Why bother with literature, or arts, or college, if you can be successful in business with your primary schooling? Being self educated is a badge of honor, even if it is lacking.