Dr. Kildare – Buffalo Barney. ep29, 500810

A photograph of a doctor wearing a stethoscope around their neck, standing against a plain background. The doctor is wearing a white lab coat and a serious expression on their face, as if listening intently to something. The stethoscope is draped over the doctor's shoulders and resting on their chest, and their hands are folded in front of them. The overall effect is one of professionalism and medical expertise.
Doctor Listening to Patient ca. 2000. "Used with permission from Microsoft."

Nurse Parker, and Doctors Gillespie, Carew, and Kildare discuss the chances of plague and epidemic. They’re about to have some comic relief from their daily grind by a colorful patient named Buffalo Barney. The Westerner has plenty of rustic sayings and nicknames for the dignified doctors.

Never sick a day in his life, Barney is fascinated by the modern medical equipment. What’s ailing the man? The problem is easily found, but now the trick is in getting permission to do surgery on the crusty old Barney. Will the tricks of the doctors meet with some good clean gtricks of Barney’s own?

Gillespie is ready to send the man on his way, since there’s no convincing him of the need for the procedure. While the doctors are frustrated over Barney, nurse Parker has already swayed the crusty coot into agreeing to the procedure. It still doesn’t get Doctor Carew off the hot seat with Barney, and Gillespie enjoys watching the timid doc squirm.