Fort Laramie – Captains Widow. ep6, 560226

Cowboy standing next to his horse.
Cowboy Next to His Horse 2002. "Used with permission from Microsoft."

The supply train is due to arrive, and Captain Quince learnns of the presence of Mrs. Wentner. The widow of a fallen captain is unannounced, but has a letter of authorization to recover her husband’s body and give him a proper burial in Arlington. The problem is that his body is buried a hundred miles away in hostile country.

Though Major Daggit and Captain Quince try their best to talk the stubborn woman out of her pursuit, she sneaks away in the night. Can Quince manage to catch up to her before she gets herself into trouble?. If he returns to the fort by the weekend, he’ll have to face a formal dinner with the rebbellious widow as his escort.

Time is of the essence, and the small band of Cavalry troops barely reach her at the grave site when an Indian hunting arty interrupt. The natives have superstitions that won’t allow the intruders to disturb the fallen heroes. Can people change, and leave the past lone? Can stodgy Cavalry captains accept their tender fate at the dinner, after facing down the brave warriors?