American History Through the Eyes of Radio ep16 1745 Leatherstocking Tales – Deerslayer Part 07. 1932

American flags, with a diversity of citizens standing in front. Men in jeans and t-shirts.
People in front of American flag. "Used with permission from Microsoft."

Note: The audio skips a little near the start.

Meeting his Indian friend, the scout joins Deerslayer and Judith. Does the old Delaware have promising news? about Judith’s father? He provides news on the size of the camp and the number of squaws in it.

Hearing the soft sounds of a canoe paddle, a challenge is called out. The tense moment is broken when Heddy is in the canoe. Why is she following them?

Will the simple-minded Heddy be safe from dangerous beasts and savages? Will her plan work better than Judith’s in saving their father?