Tales of the Texas Rangers – The White Suit. ep18, 501105

Assorted law enforcement badges and photographs on a textured background, representing government and police officials.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

A sheriff in a small town jail has problems on his hands. Bas comb is his prisoner who makes a break, leaving the body of the lawman behind. Jase Pearson is on the scene to comb the area, and start the manhunt. Even though the prisonner now has a stolen truck, he leaves a trail that’s easy to follow.

The folks in the remote, rural community know everybody else, and the escapee in a neighbors red truck, and white prison overalls is easy to spot. Bas comb is soon boxed in, down a dead end road. The chase shifts from the road to horseback, and the Rangers close in.

The cops relay updates using the latest in high tech radio communications, while Jase continues his chase. Gunshots ring out, and a classic Western standoff between bandits and lawmen could go down. Complications set in when Bascomb gives Jase the slip, and it could open up the window the crook needs to get away for good. . Will the crook get away, or will he go down in a blaze of glory/? Or something else?