Jack Benny – Jack Cooked The Turkey. 371128

A close-up photograph of a roasted turkey placed on a table next to a lit fireplace. The turkey is golden-brown and has a crispy exterior, and its wings and legs are neatly tucked in. The table is set with autumn-themed decorations and a few dishes, while the fireplace provides a warm and cozy ambiance with burning logs and a mantle adorned with candles and foliage.
Roast Turkey and Stuffing. "Used with permission from Microsoft."

Don and Jack give each other complimentary introductions. Kenny enters to thank Jack for inviting him to Thanksgiving dinner. Jack talks to Phil and the gang about his cooking skills. Mary adds to the cooking jokes until Jack becomes a little resentful over the criticism. Phil sings, You Can’t Stop Me from Dreaming.

The topic of conversation turns to Jack’s Maxwell. He thinks he may sell it, and has Mary write a classified ad for it. Kenny might be interested, but Jack’s price almost makes him cuss. I’ll bet the censors had something to do with his choice of words. Kenny sings, Moon Over Monacura.

The cast get ready for the play. First, Schlepperman phones Jack with a possible buyer for the Maxwell. As the deal goes down Phil plays a tune. Cut to outside, and Jack and Mary give a test drive to Schlepperman and Ginsberg. The deal is blown, so Jack stops in to put in a couple gallons of gas.

Despite a sassy gas station attendant, a sassy Mary, and a fender bender, Jack and mary head down the road just in time for the show to end.