Lum and Abner – Grandpap Makes Things Worse. 451128

Drawing, map of downtown Pine Ridge.

After several attempts at getting Sarge married off, she has fallen in love with the young version of Lum. It’s from a picture he sent into the marriage bureau a long time ago, and forgot about. Today, Lum reviews the situation with grandpap and Abner. How will he be able to break the news to her that its him?. Can he talk Miss Hartford into un-falling in love with him? Will she be writing love letters to Lum soon?
Grandpap keeps trying to butt in with a word from his old pal, Orlo Wormely, but Lum tries to tell Sarge that grandpap has a special tallent for judging character at first sight. As the old gent examines the photo of young Lum, he disparages the character of the younf face in the image. Lum begins to feel uncomfortable at the character assessment, but as they examinbe the photo closer, Sarge begins to see a likeness to Lum. Does he have a grandson some where? Grandpap also sees the likeness, and his mind wanders to his photo albums at home.

He figures he’ll go home and bring those albums over, so the gang can compare this young feller in the picture to his own images of Lum. He’s sure the gang will like to see them. Can Lum warn him to stop?