Voyage of the Scarlet Queen – Huntsmans Quarry And The Dead Chinese. ep22, 471127

Old-Fashioned Compass Rose
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

First a historic moment about Wind Wagon Smith and his Prairie Clipper, as presented by Bob Hope.

In voiceover, Philip Carney delivers the set up to today’s adventure as he and the crew visit the picturesque city of Saigon. The mood is dampened with the discovery of a dead man in Carney’s cabin. Philip recounts how the man came aboard, claiming to be a clerk, and very much alive. The cops come aboard, but can Philip and his crew make a clean break, and set sail? Amazing it looks like they just might.

When the valise of the dead man is found, Carney and Red take to the police office where they iscover certain facts that smell like a rat is playing some sort of game with them. Still, with civic duty done, Red and Philip stop in at a bar for a last drink before sailing out. They only realize too late that they were slipped a mickey.

Who could have known where they would be, and slipped them the knockout drops? Upon awakening, Philip is face to face with a dead man who he saw in a photo in the valise he turned in. Philip manages to talk his way out of his captivity, but in retracing his steps, the mystery only gets deeper. They encounter the fake cop from earlier, but can he be trusted, or the man known as the Huntsman?

The danger is far from over as Carney and Red become bait for a trap. Tune in for the suspenseful ending, complete with gunplay, and a narrow escape.