Jack Benny – Dennis Imitates People on the Phone to Jack. ep861, 531122

Jack Benny and Mary Livingstone. in 1954.
Jack and Mary in 1954.

Just after last week’s TV show, Jack is pleased with the laughter it received. Not bad for someone who has been in show businesses long as Jack has… How long has that been anyway? Eavesdropping at Dennis Day’s dressing room, we listen to the complaints his mom has about Jack. Verna Felton is pleased to hear about the prank Dennis has planned. He’ll keep calling Jack, imitating different people. Dennis sings, Many Times.

After his walk home, Jack chats with his new gardener, Jerome. Rochester reports a phone call, allegedly from his neighbor Ronald Coleman. Visitors enter. Mary has a problem, but Jack Warner from the movie studio needs to chat privately about a problem with Jack’s film career. A flub from the movie exec gets an extra laugh.

More prank calls come in, this time its allegedly Jimmy Durante, then later from Eddie Cantor. Bob Crosby enters with an odd looking flower in his lapel, and complaints about his paycheck.

Its off to the Brown Derby, where the cast enjoy a lavish meal at Jack’s expense. When Jimmy Stuart is spotted across the room, the phone call that Jack gets from him is hard to believe. Has Dennis been found out? Can Jack stop the orders from being served?