Box 13 – Round Robin. ep52, 490814

Badges. night sticks, police officers.
Police Officer Carrying Nightstick. "Used with permission from Microsoft."

If you want adventure plus a little payoff, listen in and join Dan Holiday as he responds to just that proposition.

In following the string of clues, Dan finds himself in a hotel room, and looking down the barrel of a luger at the face of the beautiful dame. Secrets are shared that fill in the story for Dan. An elaborate story of blackmail. Dan and the woman, Mrs Clements, devise their own plan to spring a trap on the blackmailer. What Dan finds is more layers of deception.

Why is there a private detective agency involved in the matter? Who is their mysterious client who hired them? Before Dan bows out of this round robin mess, he makes one more visit to Mrs Clements. What might he learn? Will she have to give into the demands of her blackmailer?

Dan has it figured out, but the waters are still a bit muddied, and a few loose ends need to be tied. Think you know how this mystery unravels? Listen and see if you have it figured out before Dan does. But don’t worry, stick it out to the bitter end, and listen as Dan explains it to Suzy.