Red Skelton (Avalon time) Night Watchman In The Bank. ep17, 390429

Red Skelton’s fashionability gets teased by his studio microphone. He continues to joke about fun on the beach, bathing beauties, and aquatic life. He tells about seeing his cast members, and their choice in bathing suits. Red Foley sings, We’ve Come A Long Way Together.

Bob Strong and the orchestra plays, Stars in Your Eyes.

Doubling as nightwatchman and janitor in the bank, we join Red Skelton. Edna Stillwell arrives to help get some clean up work done. Though Red mistakes a burglar for the bank president, only Miss Stillwell thinks its odd he’s wearing a mask. Hercules enters as a cop on his beat. The mild mannered cop brags on his bravery, but will anyone notice the burglar? . red does, and helps with the vault Between Red and Hercules, the robbers are caught.

Jeanette sings, When the Masquerade is Over.

Red Foley sings, Boots and Saddles.

The historical sketch is about Napoleon Skelton. With time running short, Miss Stillwell pitches her short version of a sketch, known as a skit. The scene switches to Warm Mattress, Arkansas, a small town just North of Hot Springs, and a hillbilly sketch is done instead.