Story Behind The Song – 124th Psalm. ep15, 310821

Geneva Switzerland became a city of refuge for churches during the reformation days of the 1600’s. Though the Calvinists enjoyed a time of freedom to worship, they still had to worry about the Savoyards. To keep safe, a watch was organized to keep the raiders at bay.

Prayers went up to ask for protection, but even the best of guards can have weak moments. Outside the gates the Savoyards gathered, ready to send a vanguard over the walls in the night, open the gate from within, and raid the city.

One watchful old woman with a young helper managed to spot movement, and developed a plan. A cooking pot was used to sound the alarm, and a call to arms saved the peaceful settlenent. To commemorate the brave act, a special hymn became popular, as well as baked goods to honor the date.