Jack Benny – Returning To Hollywood. ep417, 411019

Jack Benny, Mary Livingstone and Don Wilson posing for a photo in 1938.

Don Wilson sets the stage to roll back the clock, and we join the gang as they travel by train back to Los Angeles. Rochester and Mary are on hand as Jack Benny tries to itemize expenses. Why all the expenses on magazines and phone calls? Clearing the bill with the hotel clerk, the gang head to the train station. Since there aren’t any delays due to autograph seekers, the gang board, while the orchestra plays some smooth traveling music.

Two days later, Jack comments to Mary about being in New Mexico. How is Dennis Day holding up on the trip? Phil Harris enjoys the scenic Mountain View, he explains what Alice is doing on the train. The jokes turn towards cowboys and Western themes as the cast goes to the dining car. A snarky kid provides a slight delay in meeting up with Don and his wife. Rochester talks with a porter to tell about his adventures in Harlem. The band plays more traveling music as the train glides along.

The cast wonders what the next town down the line might be. Dennis checks out the sign, but somehow I doubt the town is named, “Waiting Room. After more run-ins with that snarky kid, the guys try to settle in for the night. To keep the restless Dennis from crawling all over him, Jack reads him a quick bedtime story. When Jack dozes, Dennis may be left to count sheep to fall asleep.