Vic and Sade – Rushs Party. 380303.

It’s afternoon in the small house halfway up the next block and we find Victor Gook arriving home in the kitchen. Rush stops him to talk about his party, and how Sade took charge of the event. vic sees the wisdom in the shift of power, but lets Rush tell about his plans for a bang up time.

It could have ben the social funcion of the era. A real gala. Rush shares his prediction of Sade’s party, convesation, ice cream, more talk and and go home.

Can Rush convince Vic to b enthusiastic in changing Sade mind? Might Vic get her to release the reins of power back to Rush?

The secret plans are shared. A doctor and medical staff will be on hand in case of emergency. Rush foresees the news stories to report on the extravagant party. In case the party spirit sags, Rush plans to phone the fire department. Everybody likes to watch the firemen in action. Fortunately Vic shows Rush the error in that decision.

Of course there will be a policeman on duty, for security purposes. And for the big social stunt, everybody will get tatooed. I think Vic is convinced about having Sade be in charge of the party, but I predict that Rush will be disappointed.

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