Whistler – Three Times a Sinner. 460401

A matter of disfunctional marital bliss ends up with a distraught husband poisoning himself. The uncaring wife coldly watches on to let him go through with it, not intervening, or going for help until she watches him collapse to the floor. Is it what it seems, or has some cruel trick been played?

Gerald gloats at his prank on his wife, rubbing it in her face about being insensitive to him, and wanting him dead. Lydia has another concern. What happened to the half bottle of poison that is now missing? Should she have anything to worry about, or is there more afoot to the murderous joke? Murderous thoughts plague Lydia as Gerald practically invites her to kill him.

Has Lydia fallen prey to another of Gerald’s jokes, or does she have a card of her own up her sleeve? Is he poisoned for real this time? Will Lydia be free to run away with Geralds money, and enjoy a life with her lover?

The Whistler has a special twist ending awaiting to point out an overlooked flaw in the plan. Justice will be done, but will Lydia be off the hook, or will she face the law as a last joke on her from Gerald?