Great Gildersleeve – Bronco And Marjorie Engaged. 491221.

It’s that time of year for the Christmas festivities and the Gildersleeve home is decked out in all the trimmings. The family gather to hint at their Christmas surprises. wwhen Bronco pops in, the family gets ready to head out to take in a musical Christmas show. Gildy does his best to fish for what Marjorie’s big surprise might be. Everybody seems to know but him, but nobody is talking.

The trouble is that Gildy doesn’t know what to give Marjorie in return to equal her surprise. He goes to talk with Peavey about what to get, and share memories about Marjorie and Leroy growing up. Next, it’s off to pick up nurse Milford and go to the Christmas concert. The show features the carols, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, and Angels we have Heard on High.

The big moment to share Christmas gifts is soon approaching, and anticipation runs high. The tree is lit, and special family moments are in store. The surprise has Gildy speechless. You can probably guess what it is by the show title. Listen in, and join the party with judge Hooker, Peavey, and the rest.