Lum and Abner – Closing Arguements. 440925

Back in the courtroom, testimony from the banker of Union Bank is still being awaited. Since he’s unavailable, will it delay a decision from being made? The stress from the events have Lum wore to a frazzle, and about all that’s left is for Squire to deliver the closing remarks.

Court is called to order, and Squire appeals for justice of a larger, and truer sense. Will the jury be willing to ooverlook legal infractions, and see Lum’s intent in doing right by grandpap? Will they reward his courage to go above the law to administer justice?

Lum’s hopes soar after Squire’s speech that he just doesn’t want to be bothered by listening to the prosecution. Nothing they can say can reduce his knowledge in his chances that he’s sure to win.