The Avenger – The Blue Pearls. ep12, 450824

While on the trail of their latest case, Jim Brandon wines and dines his secretary, Fern Collier. Though it seems to be a blind trail at first, Jim thinks he has uncovered an ingenious scheme of passing off a narcotics deal.

Disgruntled crooks are their own worst enemy, and a threat to turn one over to the cops leads to murder. When Jim is called to he scene, he recognizes the girl with the pearls, and the narcotic deal. He now has the chance to kill two birds with one stone by bringing in a killer, and stopping the drug trafficking.

Getting in deep with the high power narcotic ring, Fern is in danger as she goes undercover. Her chance of survival grows even more slim when she is recognized. Will she come in handy for one more big drug connection? The Avenger is still a step or two behind the crime ring. He’ll have to move fast to save Fern, and stop the criminals.