The Avenger – Ghost Murder. ep11, 450817

A seance racket involving Princess Stella, the mystic, soon calls on Jim Brandon. Will he endorse the princess, based on his well known experiments in telepathy and science? Jim feels the brand of mysticism in use is the kind of art that should be confined to the realm of entertainment. In private, he is determined to work with Fern Collier to expose the kind of tricks used in the seances.

Attending a seance, Jim is sure he has found trickery… or has he? The matter of ghostly appearances seems real, and has Jim stumped. Still, he isn’t ready to go down without a fight to get to the bottom of what he thinks is fakery.

When a murder enters the picture, the question becomes one of how a ghost can kill? Jim is even more baffled, and determined to find the human element behind the supernatural ruse. In a public seance, the Avenger pulls his own counter to the ghostly appearance to pull the rug from under the feet of the scammers.