The center of drama queen Betty's life revolves around whether the school play will be a success. Will she convince her dad to take a part in the drama? Mom…
After breaking down, the gents are relieved to get some rest in a motel room. At this rate they may never get to Tennessee, and their treasure hunt. Their only…
Note: Compare this show with the rehearsal preview posted earlier. Announcer: Larry Keating. Bob "Broadcasting from Camp Cook" Hope jokes about the censored location of the desert base. Jokes about…
After figuring the taxes for the year, Willie breaks the news to Phil. Is Phil too extravagant in his business dealings, and paying his band members. Phil is faced with…
When the railroad came to the Old West, it was prime time for land swindles. Cisco and Pancho ride to town to check their mail. When a friend writes to…
At a family gathering, death makes an appearance. With Lamonte Cranston and Margot Lane on hand, they do their best to capture a killer. Is it the butler who did…
Still in charge, Cedric sets the tone, and gives orders concerning the expedition to Tennessee. Among his essentials for life on the road, Cedric has brought a pinball machine... thee…
Homicide Detail. A murderous rampage, where victims are beaten senseless, needs to be stopped. The Rattlesnake Bandit is the topic as Joe Friday reports in, and discusses the vicious attacks,…