Lum and Abner – Leaving For Treasure Expedition Tomorrow. 440405

Maintaining his position fairly securely, Cedric is still in charge of the lost treasure company. Can Lum and Abner get him out of office before he runs the company into the ground? While grandpap is out raising money for Lum, he tells Abner the plan to go on a trip to Tennessee tomorrow. Abner will just be glad to not have to dictate another letter to Cedric’s uncle Dave.

Abner praises Lum for his planned expedition, and how the gents will be in charge of it, instead of Cedric. Will an end finally be put to Cedric’s iron rule? Lum’s loan may have come through, but do they have any collateral? Abner thinks they’re all out of stock on collaterals.

Is it safe if Lum uses the treasure map itself to put up for the cash? Will Abner agree to putting his place up for the loan too? Through a long chain of loans, and cash changing hands, Cedric may still end up with the map, and the expedition could go through as planned.

Lum and Abner out of makeup.