Our Miss Brooks – Board Of Education Day. 500108.

The holiday season is over, and it's time to return to the daily grind of school. When Walter stops in to pick up Miss Brooks for school, she learns that Stretch Snodgrass has a problem. At school, she learns of a problem that Mr Conklin has. He needs Connie to write a speech for him, but will her buttering up build his confidence to do it himself? Stretch demonstrates his wonderful English abilities, both in speech and in writing. I feel a mix up coming on.

Abbott and Costello – Lou Engaged To Judy Canova 440106

Lou is late after having to fight off women. It's leap year, and the custom of the day was for single women to propose to men, rather than the other way around. Jokes about marriage, and mother in laws. Lou keeps the marriage jokes going when Ken Niles and his pretend wife, Verna Felton arrive. A joke about Bud and Ken being married? How racy! After the commercial Freddie Rich plays, Just One of Those Things.

Lum and Abner – Mousey Visits Home. 430325

The new dentist is getting settled in, and has gone to start looking at the teeth of the students at the school house. Mousey is seen in town, and pops in to tell the gents what he has been up to in the Army. His time is limited, and he needs to meet up with his wife Gussie before he has to leave again.

Lum and Abner – Dr Snides New Office. 430324

In the Jot Em Down store, Lum announces that Doc Snide will stay and is settling in at the boarding house. Abner gets confused at the topic of hanging out a shingle, as used with the doctor setting up his practice. Does the dentist fix roofs too? Or maybe he oughtta to just carry business cards to hand out, instead of a bundle of shingles.