Burns and Allen – Paul Henreid. 440125.

It's another morning in the Burns home as Gracie talks to her friend about George not letting her start her acting school. They talk about business slogans, and testimonials to promote their talent school. Gracie has circulated a handbill with a fake testimonial she wrote, and signed it as Paul Henried. As George comes in, Gracie blows smoke to cover the exit of her friend. He's a little suspicious, but will Gracie be able to talk sense to him? More importantly, will he make sense of her explanations?

Whitehall1212 – Case Of Arthur Freeman. 520210

An ordinary raincoat finds its way to the Black Museum, and we learn about the crime that put it there. Robbers in white cloth masks took no jewelry, and the only victim was the young man shopping for a wedding ring. How will the anonymous, shabby raincoat link the robbers to the scene? The pistol used in the crime is in the pocket, but it was a stolen one. A glimmer of hope comes when the coat was traced to certain possible shops, and the tedious police work begins. X

Lum and Abner – The County Agricultural Bureau. 430408in in the half hour shows, long after the war was over, with Zazu Pitts as the unappreciated county employ who tries to teach housewives to can the produce from the garden.

After finding no relatives in Toledo, grandpap thinks nobody cares about him any more. Lum and Abner wonder what to do for him, while Abner plays with the make shift intercom system they made for the now missing Doc Snide. Grandpap enters to tell about his disappointing trip to Ohio.

Our Miss Brooks – Walters Radio. 500122.

Connie Brooks complains to Mrs Davis about her car troubles before Walter arrives for her ride to school. Walter tells about his project, a hand built radio. With the rainy weather, Mr Conklin is in a grumpy mood. Is he ever in a good one? At school, Connnie drops off Walters radio in the science lab. In the process, she gets a lesson on the environment, and an early warning from Mr Boynton that the global climate is changing.