Nero Wolfe – The Tell Tale Ribbon. . ep23, 510330

Though Nero is far from interested in taking on a new case, or leaving the comforts of home, Archie responds to a phone call. Jenkins is a little, dried up, old man who delivers a letter, but it hasn't come from the person it was addressed by. Archie seems to have been set on a wild goose chase. Has it all been a ruse to get Archie on the scene to witness a crime?

Greatest Story Ever Told – The Betrayal and the Crucifixion (Ending Clipped). ep61, 480321

Worshippers from all over Judea and Galilee have come to the temple to observe Passover. Joseph of Aramathea and his wife are among the crowds that fill the streets. High priests are offended at the spectacle of palm branches spread before the approaching Jesus. Something must be done about this, and arrangements are made with Judas to capture the Master.

21st Precinct – 14 Year Old Boy And Snake Missing. (retro556)

In this undated episode, In the precinct office, Captain Canelli sends the new shift of police patrolmen on their way to protect and to serve. A distraught mother enters to get help finding her teen age son. Canelli isn't too concerned. Teen age boys are independent enough to take care of themselves. They don't need mommy's apron strings around them.