Title: The Prowler At Work. Captain Friday recaps how bodies of prominent men in the tiny community are found dead. With his friend Doc Croft, Friday help the distraught cousins,…
Along the coastline of San Fransisco, Captain Friday relaxes at his Summer resort. Strangers approach on the property that was left to him by his aunt… queer. Accompanied by his…
Captain Canelli tells how he was on hand at the midnight change of shift, and catch a glimpse of the mundane events at the precinct station. Reports to be filed,…
Gene opens in song with, When My Blue Moon Turns to Gold Again. He follows it with, On Moonlight Bay. In the bunkhouse, Pat Buttram tells about the level of…
Dean and Jerry are in their apartment worrying over their bills. At the mention of needing to ern money, neighbor Sophie Leonard just happens to pop in and offers a…
Guest is Joe Louis. The Merrymacks opens with that hit song, Whan. Fred presents the World in Review news Reels. Topics include: political figures, taxes, laws, the economy, legalized gambling,…
Title: The Deepest Grave in the World. Far up the Canadian coastline, Judith Wright is in a coffin, conscious, and cooperating with her captors. Major Lawrence was believed to be…
Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it, except Miss Brooks. The absent minded Mrs Davis and Connie share their ideas for keeping cool. Walter pops in,…
Join Keith as he shares a few comments that he sprinkles into the action of this dramatic, and brutal crime. Joe Friday and his partner, Ben Romero have to track…
Title: Conversation in the Casket. To review, Captain Friday tells a little about the secret mission that brought him to the remote Canadian wilderness, and the rescue of Judith Wright.…