Title: The Payoff of Cliffords Story. One of the most offending stories in Henry Barbers life came to a head the other day, but now has resolved itself nicely as…
In the get away place of Palm Springs, Don announces the man that everybody thought they were getting away from. Jack jokes with Don Wilson about the bathing suits on…
First an introductory word: Meet Henry Barber, retired Stock and Bonds Broker, and his ideas of the high divorce rate these days. Fanny Barber, wife of Henry, and grandmother of…
Join Keith for another installment of the Retro OTRDiary, and a return to the first season of Dragnet. Joe Friday enters the crime lab for a dose of CSI... 1949…
Starting in an outdoor scene with Clifford talking with Nick. What mysterious events are bothering Cliff? Paul has returned home, but is acting strangely. Pa Barber is found on their…
Bound for the planet Jupiter, Cadet Happy is unusually silent as he and Commander Buzz Correy approach. A criminal mastermind has the ability to become invisible. Using their own technology,…
Andover is in prison, but how did he get there? It all started, because his company was going to pass him over for a promotion, because he was a bachelor.…
Title: Teddy Barber After Two Years. A revieew of Teddy's past on the show is given, her adoption by Paul, up to her service in the nurses corp. Her two…
Audio is a bit mushy and soft, with lots of tape hiss. Physician to indian and white man alike, it's Doc Sixgun. Pablo the travelling Gypsy tells how he came…
Announcing the man who never gives any change, Don hears a few comebacks from Jack. The play is announced, and Mary learns that Stanley Craemer, the producer of High Noon…