Enjoy a few classic tunes from hank williams as you bake up your morning biscuits. hank starts off with, Loveless Mansion on the Hill. Let's pause for a commercial, and…
Murder is a crime that crosses the boundaries of wealth and poverty. In the mansion, dear old dad wants his children to be able to handle money. He tells how…
It's the jukebox of the air, just for troops overseas, and GI Jill delivers the tunes. Tommy Dorcey presents, Blue Skies. Hellen Forrest sings, When They Ask About You. Jill…
We catch up with the famous detective in the middle of a case. Previously, Willoughby had his son murdered, and Charlie has been investigating the case. Charlie shares his theories…
Who is John Peter Zenger? He was an early newspaper reporter who published articles that brought the true feelings of New Yorkers to light, though they went against the king…
To open the show, Bob jokes about various TV related topics. TV sets, antennae, programs, and sponsors. The scene changes to spy on Bob at the movie studio, where he…
As we look in at the small house halfway up the next block, Sade tells that the landlord brought by some wallpaper samples for them to choose from. The catch…
After a few quick jokes that include indians, the show gets started. Bud and Lou talk about being leap year, and the one year set aside for women to put…