At the white house half way up the next block Vic and Sade sit, and are talking as Rush tries to put the finishing touches on his algebra homework. Rush,…
Horlicks: Carlton Brickert shares a message to those suffering from a sleepless night. All it takes is an easy to digest hot cup of Horlicks. Try it tonight, and keep…
Lum and Abner - Discussing Detective Methods. 350923. Horlicks: A welcome change for your breakfast coffee or tea. Kids love it sprinkled over cereal. It helpsd with getting a good…
Alan Young - Overdue Rent. 470328. (retro320). Alan gets ready for breakfast, as he uses his new toaster, the one with the fancy whistles and bells. As he rounds out…
Horlicks: Mothers of babies are faced with no bigger problem than finding a nourishing food for their baby. Horlicks fills the bill as a well balanced food for both infant…
Lum and Abner - Lum Sells All Of His Possessions. 350919. Horlicks: If you really want to reduce, use the doctor approved method that many young mothers are doing today.…
Horlicks: Your doctor will confirm that we all need a good nights sleep, and Horlicks is the thing to help get the sleep you need. Down in Pine Ridge, Mr…
On a cold and blustery day, a couple of miners persist in working their claim, when shots are fired, and tragedy strikes. Wild Bill and Jingles are on the scene…
Lum and Abner - Lum Gives Speech On Honesty At The Schoolhouse. 350917. Horlicks: carlton Brickert warns against the sales pitch of a druggist who might sway your decision away…
Horlicks: Youngsters love to drink Horlicks. Give it to them for lunch for it's nourishing and sustaining powers. Down in Pine Ridge, Lum's gal Evelina has returned and Lum is…