Lum and Abner 350218 Restocking Of The Jotem Down Store Begins

Horlicks: For weight control, easy to digest, keeps you alert, helps children grow. Carlton Brickert reminds listeners that the flashlight factory is swamped, so wait patiently.

The flashlight promotion has been such a success that the Jot Em Down store is well on the way to being restocked. Abner and dick talk about the campaign sign that Lum changed behind his back. Dick advises that Abner hire a campaign manager.

Abner leaves, and Lum enters to chat with Dick on the progress of restocking the store, and complain about Abner’s lack of organization skills. They also comment on Abner’s crazy inventions.

Abner pops in to say that Squire Skimp is his new campaign manager. It looks like things will be fierce as the election continues.

Carlton Brickert reminds listeners how to get a promotional flashlight.

Note: As usual, I don’t have flashlights. I seem to be over 70 years late for the active participation in this deal. Still, please do leave me a comment.

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