Sade tells Vic that Fletcher will be staying with them a little longer as their house guest. Although he has spent plenty of time going to and fro to his…
The Gook family gather to discuss the fact that uncle Fletcher hasn't been around lately. He wants to stop by for a much needed rest, after being worn to a…
Normally the driving force for writing letters to relatives and friends, Sade experiences a spell of writers block. Vic sympathizes, but is encouraging as he listens to some of Sade's…
On the way home from the Bijou, Vic talks to Russell about the movie they just saw. Why can't they make movies like they used to? You know, before these…
Sade is as giddy as a schoolgirl when Russel comes home. She has been chatting on the phone with her lady friends, and lost all track of time. Busy with…
In the small house halfway up the next block we find Russell on the telephone, trying to collect a debt from his pal Smelly Clark. Vic enters in his usual…
In the aftermath of a wild night of playing 500 with the Stembottoms, Vic and Sade share a little about their evening with their friends. Russell had been out with…
Sade has a pressing task for Vic, but it's one that he doesn't much care for. He doesn't want to get involved in other people's affairs. After over committing herself…
Vic enters on a rainy day to find that Sade is worried over keeping her menfolk from catching pneumonia in the rainy and wet weather. After getting a new pair…