After the evening meal, Fletcher spouts off stories about friends back in Belvidere, Illinois. Mr Corkel, the gas meter reader, enters with a problem. His apprentice, and brother in law,…
As Vic talks with a friend from across the alley, Mr Sprawl, Sade enters with Rush after they've finished doing the dishes. Sade offers Mr Sprawl a little hospitality, then…
Dear Sister and all, We are all well. I thought I’d sit and write since I can’t get anything done today. There’ve been so many interuptions. Just millions of them.…
Sade tells Vic about strange happenings, and attests to the truth telling Mrs Harris as her source. Suddenly Rush, uncle Fletcher, and Dwight, a man who talks like he has…
Rush reads to Vic from his 3rd Lt Stanley book. Sade interupts to scoot the guys out the door. The lights are out, the doors locked, and the Gooks are…
Sade gets the latest gossip from Mrs Harris about a weird crashing noise coming from the Donahue's attic. Should they do something about it? Before they can decide, uncle Fletcher…
Sade enjoys a quiet afternoon, until Uncle Fletcher and Russel come crashing in. Fletcher tripped over his shoestrings, and Russel fell down just to join him. It's the middle of…
Audio is poor. Listen with earphones, and when you have some quiet time. Russh and Sade talk, but it's har to make out what is being said. Vic enters and…
Audio sounds like a high wind is blowing through the small house halfway up the next block. Uncle Fletcher is thrilled when Sade declares it'll be fine for him to…